
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Exciting Game Design Elements

 As part of my Video Games Literacy work I completed a task on Video Game Design where we had to match the elements of game design to their definitions.

I enjoyed watching the video and learning about the different elements of game design. I enjoy gaming and it could be a career option in the future.

I got my information from this video. LINK

I hope you enjoyed learning about video game design elements, I know I did. Please let me know what you thought about my work in the comments.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Exciting Game Design Elements

 As part of my Video Games Literacy work I completed a task on Video Game Design where we had to match the elements of game design to their definitions.

I enjoyed watching the video and learning about the different elements of game design. I enjoy gaming and it could be a career option in the future.

I got the information I needed too complete this task by watching this youtube video.

I hope you enjoyed learning about video game design elements, I know I did. Please let me know what you thought about my work in the comments.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Exciting Game Design Elements

  As part of my Video Games Literacy work I completed a task on Video Game Design where we had to match the elements of game design to their definitions.

I enjoyed watching the video and learning about the different elements of game design. I enjoy gaming and it could be a career option in the future.

My sources of information. LINK

I hope you enjoyed learning about video game design elements, I know I did. Please let me know what you thought about my work in the comments.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

DFI Workshop #2 - Workflow

I enjoyed revisiting google hangouts, how they are used and some of the tips and tricks to ensure a successful hangout.  "Hanging Out" with Dorothy at the beginning of the session was again informative. Learning the basics/decisions/theory behind Manaiakalani has been very interesting.

I have used Hangouts a few years ago with limited success. That may have been due to the dodgy wifi in the classroom at the time. There were still issues today but I guess practice makes perfect. It could be a useful tool to add to the toolbelt.
Working out the best way to utilise this with the learners, eg. with experts in the workplace around inquiry topics, etc will be something to ponder over the coming weeks.

Learning more tips and tricks/extensions that will help streamline my use of google;
eg the Toby extension to manage chrome tabs has been fantastic. 

Google Keep was something I had dabbled with but not utilised to its full potential. Having the chance to explore this again and learn more about it was very useful. 

Having the presentations over the course of the day available to refer back to is great. There have been plenty of ideas that I have already taken back to Parkview Parua and shared with the team. 

Looking forward to next week!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

DFI Week1 - Reflections

This is my reflection on Day 1 of the Digital Fluency Intensive. While looking forward to getting started in this DFI, I wasn't sure of how useful it would be, for me and my teaching. It was great to pick-up tips, tricks and new ideas on how to do new things and do old things better!

I have created a new "google group" for sports at Parkview Pārua school to keep the teachers involved and the teachers of students involved in sports happenings both in-school and inter-school. I think this will be useful to get information out efficiently to those who need it, rather than having them have to find the information in shared docs etc.

Another tip I found useful was using the Headings/Normal text functions and the table of contents. This was always a pain scrolling through docs - meeting minutes etc. to find the information I needed. I will definitely be sharing this with staff at Parkview help with organising docs. I have adapted the Doc I use for my writing groups to incorporate this feature. Click on the image below to have a look, and use if you like it.

I will use the link to the master table and copy and paste that at the top each session and add the current date as a heading to make each days writing easy to find.

Other tips from today that I will be following up on, are some of the extensions shared with us.
I am looking forward to next week.